There are several animals on the island like different kind of birds, insects, fish and monkeys.
On the ground you could see squirrels, monkeys, lizards and other reptils such as snakes (chironius exoletus).
Colilbri Resort is visited by different species of Colibris and also by other kind of birds like Tie-Sangue which appreciate the fruits that we leave in our garden. The rare beauty of tié-sangue bird, also known as sangue-de-boi (Ramphocelous bresilius) which is one of the 620 species of birds from the atlantic eco-system. The Tangara Dancarino is a bird that you could see at the forest. Famous by the dance while the mating season.
It is beautiful our see with colorful fish, star fish, corals and others. Our aquariums are Blue Lagoon and Green Lagoon. Butterflies also make part of the scenery, giving life to the flowers of the Rain Forest.