Frequent Questions and Answers about Ilha Grande and Colibri Resort.
How much does the food cost in Ilha Grande?
It is not included lunch and dinner in our rate. There are good restaurants around the village. A dinner for two persons can be between US 8.00 and US 20.00.
Is there any public transport in the island?
Cars, motorbikes and buses are not allowed in the island.
The only vehicles you will see belongs to the police, fire brigade, ambulance and public service.
Are there any post office, supermarkets, cash machines and banks?
There is a post office, but you can leave your mails with us and we will post for you.
There isn’t any big supermarket, just small shops where you can find fruits, drinks and basic products.
There is no banks or cash machines. Bring money enough. There are a few places where you can change cash (not travelers) and some restaurants accept credit cards.
How can I pay Colibri Resort?
We work with Real and you can pay by creditcard.
How many days should I stay at least in the Island?
In 5 days you can see the essential, but if you want to go further, explorer and enjoy the whole island, we recommend 9 days.
What do I need to know about preservation of the Island?
Use plastic bag to deposit your trash, including cigarette butt. Separate the recycle material
Protect the forest against fire! Do not throw cigarette butt neither make bonfire
Protect the animals from being captured, hunted, pursued and damage to their nests
Only camp on authorized sites
Dive only for sight seeing, leave your harpoon and net at home
Respect the waterfalls and rivers, do not use soap or shampoo to take a bath at those sites
Only walk on allowed trails and give preference to the official guides. Shortcuts destroy nature
Protect the wildlife! Do not remove it from their habitat
What do I need to bring to the Island?
During summer, it is important to bring sun protection and insect repellent. Bring also a comfortable pair of shoes, a flashlight, sun hat and camera.
Basic equipments for snorkeling are optional since you can rent it by US 2.00 per day.
Are there any public telephones and Internet? Is it possible to use cell phone?
There are public telephones where you can make collect calls or use a telephone card. For international calls (DDI), the best card is from Embratel that allowed to make a call about 7 minutes in Europe.
Our guests can use our phone and pay per minute. There are cybercaffes around town and the price is US 0,07 per minute. Some cell phones work very well in our village.
Is there any pharmacy and hospital?
There is a First Aids office for basic needs. In case of seriousness, the patient is removed to a hospital in Angra dos Reis. There is a good pharmacy, but bring your medicine if it is important for you.
We give all support to our guests in case they need this service.
How is the electricity? How many volts?
The electricity arrives in the island by submarine cables. Some villages doesn’t have electricity and they use generators. The volt is 110V/60Htz.
It is not common, but it could happen some blackouts. Usually it is for a short time. Enough to look at the sky and admire the beautiful stars. Bring a flashlight, if you want.
What is the average temperature?
From October to April, the temperature goes from 26C to 40C. The water is 18C to 22C. From April to September, we have from 18C to 25C. The water is 15C to 20C.
What is the best time to visit Ilha Grande?
Summer and Winter are very different. It depends what you are looking for. During summer, the weather is hot, humid and it is much more alive. You find live music on streets and more people at the beach. It is also the raining season. For some people, summer is too hot for some activities like hiking. Winter is warm, dry, it doesn’t rain much and it is more relaxing, since there isn’t many people.
Can you organize a transfer from Rio de Janeiro to Colibri?
Yes. We can pick you up from the airport or hotel with a van and take you to Angra dos Reis where you will take the ferry. We will be waiting for you at the harbor. Contact us for more information.